CertainT Market Insight 2023-2024 Report: Xinjiang Cotton Circumventing UFLPA

The “CertainT® Market Insight 2023-2024 Report: Xinjiang Cotton Circumventing UFLPA” provides the findings of a market study conducted between February 2023 through March 2024 that reveal 19% of all samples tested showed evidence of Xinjiang cotton. The report was prepared independently by Applied DNA Sciences and Stratum Reservoir.

Key findings from the CertainT Report reveal the following:

CertainT market insight report 19% Xinjiang cotton
  • Based on CertainT Isotope testing for cotton origin, 19% of all samples tested showed evidence of Xinjiang cotton.
CertainT market insight report graph2
  • Xinjiang cotton is present in diverse and, perhaps more importantly, global supply chains, including apparel, footwear, and consumer products. This includes samples such as yarn, fabric, finished garments, and even cotton swabs.
CertainT market insight report graph3

U.S. and Brazil were the most frequently claimed origins within Xinjiang-positive samples. This blending of origins with its added layer of complexity may make it more difficult to clear investigations and produce evidence of traceability, origin, and testing of physical goods.

The Report’s findings make it clear that even with the attention and legislation to eliminate the use of forced labor from cotton supply chains, much more can be done.

Know Your Cotton
  • Increase the awareness and utilization of US-based forensic technologies such as CertainT DNA tagging, genomic cotton PCR-based testing, and isotope origin testing. All these technologies and services are available here in the U.S. Therefore, companies or U.S. government agencies do not need to send samples overseas for testing.
  • Develop more robust supply chain monitoring and enforcement measures to ensure compliance with regulations to prevent forced labor use and ethically questionable sourcing practices, particularly in regions like Xinjiang with well-documented human rights concerns.