Cannabis in 2022 - Hurry Up and Wait

By John Shearman, January 11, 2022

In this op-ed, Shearman discusses the state of legalization on a federal level and how advocacy, research and education will be the ultimate catalyst when it comes to progress in our industry.

Here we are entering a new year. Finally, many states in the United States have agreed to legalize adult-use cannabis either through medical or adult-use programs. In 2021, we saw Connecticut, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York and Virginia all legalize adult-use, bringing the total to 18 states that now allow adult-use and 36 for medical use.

State-led initiatives have been the backbone for this emerging industry. Yet, it’s the advocates who are moving the ball forwards through education, research and real-world case studies showing the benefits cannabis can have across many medical ailments. These grassroots efforts must stay vigilant and persist considering the slow progress on the Federal government level.