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Applied DNA Subsidiary LineaRx Receives Repeat Orders for LinearDNA

STONY BROOK, N.Y. – November 15, 2021 – Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (Applied DNA), a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies, and its majority-owned subsidiary LineaRx, Inc., a manufacturer of LinearDNA™ via PCR for nucleic acid therapeutics and diagnostics, today announced the receipt [...]

2022-10-27T11:57:52-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Research Publication Demonstrates Utility of Applied DNA’s LinearDNA™ in Non-Viral CAR T Manufacturing

STONY BROOK, N.Y. – November 9, 2021 – Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (Applied DNA or the “Company”), a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies, announced the publication of a study in Molecular Therapy: Methods and Clinical Development on a methodology for the [...]

APDN & CLEARED4 Offer Solution for OSHA COVID Mandate Compliance

STONY BROOK and Water Mill, N.Y. – November 5, 2021 – Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (Applied DNA or the “Company”), a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies including diagnostics, and CLEARED4, one of the nation’s largest and most trusted health verification platforms, stand ready to help [...]

People, Process, + Innovative Technology = Cannabis Compliance

The cannabis industry is maturing at a rapid pace. Successful companies will require knowledgeable people, a complete set of standard operating procedures, and integrated technology infrastructure to comply with federal and state regulations. Until federal laws are approved and implemented over time, cannabis operators must comply with state-by-state regulations. This fragmentation makes it [...]

2022-11-03T13:43:50-04:00Categories: APDN in the News|Tags: , |

Ganesha Ecosphere to deploy Applied DNA’s CertainT® platform to secure recycled polyester supply chain

November 2, 2021 Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies announced signing a mutual collaboration agreement with India based Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd., the largest recycled polyester (rPET) fiber producer in India with over 300-plus customers, 250-plus suppliers, and 500-plus product variants. Under [...]

Ganesha, APDN to Deploy CertainT to Recycled Polyester

By Arthur Friedman Applied DNA Sciences Inc. has signed a mutual collaboration agreement with Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd, a major producer of recycled polyester (rPET) fiber in India. Under the terms of the agreement, Ganesha, with 300-plus customers, more than 250 suppliers and 500-plus product variants, will deploy the CertainT platform, Applied DNA's [...]

GESL & ADNAS to deploy CertainT for rPET production in India

October 23, 2021 Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (ADNAS). a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies, has signed a mutual collaboration agreement with Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd. (GESL), the largest recycled polyester (rPET) fibre producer in India, to tag an initial pilot production of rPET at GESL’s facilities. [...]

The Operational & Business Benefits of Verified, Visible Supply Chains

October 25, 2021 Over the past year and a half, COVID-19 has thrown numerous curveballs at fashion supply chains. Most recently, companies have had to contend with logistical upheaval tied to a lack of labor, closed ports, and a short supply of containers and equipment. As shipping times and costs rise, companies [...]

APDN Submits FDA EUA Request for Linea™ SARS-CoV-2 Mutation Panel

STONY BROOK, N.Y. – October 25, 2021 – Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (Applied DNA or the “Company”), a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing and nucleic acid-based technologies, announced that it has submitted its request for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [...]

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