LDC installs Applied DNA’s cotton traceability system
May 10th, 2018
LDC installs Applied DNA’s cotton traceability system
May 10th, 2018
Louis Dreyfus installs cotton traceability system at Moree gin in Australia
May 8th, 2018
Applied DNA Gets One Step Closer to a Traceable Leather Supply Chain
May 3rd, 2018
Colorcon & APDN: Taggants for Pharmaceutical Traceability
April 5th, 2018
GHCL unveils traceable Bedding
March 21st, 2018
Collaboration to Thwart Counterfeiters with Molecular Tagged Capsules
February 28th, 2018
APDN takes another step into pharma with traceability alliance
February 27th, 2018
Applied DNA Signs GHCL as CertainT licensee using recycled PET and PET for Bedding
July 11th, 2017
APDN, BLC Announce Sponsorship by 5 Global Brands to Develop Leather Traceability System
March 29th, 2017