Pharmaceutical Technology | LineaRx signs drug development agreement with Takis
September 21st, 2018
Pharmaceutical Technology | LineaRx signs drug development agreement with Takis
September 21st, 2018
LineaRx to Collaborate with Takis and Evvivax on Cancer Vaccines
September 20th, 2018
Applied DNA Subsidiary, LineaRx, Inc. Signs Joint Development Agreement with Takis and Evvivax to Develop Linear-DNA Based Anti-Cancer Vaccines
September 20th, 2018
APDN Forms Subsidiary, LineaRx, to Develop DNA for Biotherapeutics
September 18th, 2018
APDN’s CRO/CMO milestones in research/mfg of Linear DNA
August 3rd, 2018
Applied DNA Announces CRO & CMO Milestones
August 2nd, 2018
Imminent Mandate by the Republic of Turkey to DNA-Tag Fertilizer Expected to Drive Demand for DNA-Tagged Fertilizers
December 5th, 2017
Applied DNA Expands BioPharm Vertical with Two New Research Pilots of DNA Therapeutics
November 30th, 2017
5-Year Supply Agreement for Bulk DNA Manufacturing
April 20th, 2017