
Therapeutic DNA Production

Therapeutic DNA production Hero
DNA underlay

LineaRx, an Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. company, delivers enzymatically-produced LineaDNA™ as an alternative to current plasmid-based DNA manufacturing processes with advantages of speed, purity and scalability to support the next generation of nucleic acid-based therapies. Produced using a proprietary, large-scale polymerase chain reaction (“PCR”) based manufacturing platform, Linea DNA allows for the rapid and efficient cell-free production of high-fidelity DNA sequences.

LineaDNA is relevant to a broad array of advanced therapeutics, including mRNA production, DNA vaccines, cell and gene therapies, as well as numerous veterinary medicine applications. Formed in 2018 to commercialize our parent company’s 20+ years of experience and leadership in enzymatic DNA production, LineaRx stands ready to deliver a new generation of DNA for the next generation of medicines.

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