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Consumers Value Authenticated Aloe

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verified aloe vera

Survey of over 2,000 Americans Reveals Majority of Customers Want to Buy Verified Aloe

Applied DNA Sciences released results from a recently commissioned survey of over 2,000 Americans regarding their attitudes toward misleadingly-labeled Aloe vera products and the importance of products with forensically verified ingredients.

Key Findings include:

The survey was conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Applied DNA Sciences in response to recent revelations that many consumer products claiming to contain Aloe vera do not, in reality, contain measurable amounts of this ingredient (Bloomberg Aloe vera Article).

verified aloe 86% of americans polled

Said they would be more likely to buy an Aloe vera product that has ingredients that have been forensically verified over a product that did not.

verified aloe 76% of americans polled

Said they would not be likely to buy an Aloe vera product they were planning to buy if they heard or read that it did not, in reality, contain any Aloe vera.

verified aloe 68% of americans polled

Would be willing to pay more for an Aloe vera product made with forensically verified ingredients versus one that is not.

verified aloe 65% of americans polled

Indicated willingness to pay more for an Aloe vera product that is ethically sourced versus one that is not.

Dr. James Hayward, President and CEO of Applied DNA, said, “No consumer wants to be cheated. With independent laboratory studies revealing scant evidence of Aloe vera within a range of consumer products prominently featuring this ingredient on their labels, there is clearly a need for better verification techniques. Our verification methods in Aloe or food supplements are a natural extension of our work in cotton, and offer an ideal way to help manufacturers protect their brands and supply chain while benefitting consumers and retailers alike.”

Scientists can identify ingredients — including Aloe vera — using unique gene sequences known as the “bar code of life” (BCOL), but these sequences are subject to degradation during harsh processing and can be easily lost or damaged when a product is manufactured.

In comparison, Applied DNA Sciences’ SigNature® molecular tagging is much more stable. The tags are combined with the Aloe vera during the manufacturing process. The tags meet the FDA guidance for Physical Chemical Identifiers that can be added to foods or drugs and can be ingested by consumers. Preliminary studies conducted by the company suggest that, in contrast to BCOL sequences, SigNature molecular tags survive in finished goods and can be detected even after dilution from their original concentration by one million-fold, proof that Aloe vera is contained in the product. To review findings, click here.

Quality control laboratories can now use the SigNature platform to prove the presence of key ingredients such as Aloe vera. Unlike the BCOL, SigNature molecular tags are not restricted to biological materials and can also be used to tag non-biological materials. By using SigNature tags and forensic knowledge, brands and retailers can protect their reputations and attract the high percentage of consumers indicated by the survey results who value and would be prepared to pay more for products with forensically-verified ingredients.

Applied DNA’s solutions have helped consumer product companies, textile manufacturers as well as military and government agencies to authenticate products and protect their brands.

Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Applied DNA Sciences from February 7-9, 2017 among 2,171 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact: john.shearman@adnas.com.


press release