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Applied DNA Sciences Accessibility Statement

Applied DNA Sciences (“Applied DNA”) is committed to keeping life real and safe with solutions driven by molecular technology. For those individuals with disabilities, we are further committed to making our website experience an accommodating and inclusive one by ensuring that access and use of our website is similar in manner to the online experience provided to individuals without disabilities.

In accordance with the foregoing, Applied DNA strives to maintain our website in conformance with generally recognized and accepted guidelines and standards for website accessibility.  While these standards may change and evolve over time, they are currently the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level AA (“WCAG 2.0 AA”), at a minimum.

Working with User1st, www.user1st.com, an experienced accessibility consultant and website accessibility solutions provider, Applied DNA is taking the steps necessary so that our website achieves substantial conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA, at a minimum.  User1st’s automated tools enable the Website to meet WCAG 2.0 AA Standards, at a minimum, with standard assistive technology applications and web browsers. Applied DNA is also committed to designing and maintaining our website to be accessible to individuals with disabilities as part of our ongoing mission and purpose.

Please be aware that Applied DNA’s efforts to make our website accessible are ongoing.  If, at any time, an individual seeking help with our website have any specific questions, feedback, or concerns about the accessibility of any particular web pages on our website, please let us know the web page/URL with an accessibility issue, and Applied DNA will make all reasonable efforts to address it.

Here For You
If you wish to report an accessibility issue, are experiencing difficulty with any content or function on adnas.com, have any questions or need assistance, please contact Applied DNA Sciences Customer Support during normal business hours as detailed below and we will be happy to assist.

Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tel: 631.240.8800 | info@adnas.com

Updated March 2021