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GHCL committed to sustainability goals

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GHCL is working towards carbon neutrality for its entire textiles business by 2021. It is also actively using sustainable raw material in textiles-more sustainable cotton (BCI/organic/Supima), cellulosic fibres (Tencel Lyocell) and recycled PET fibres. In keeping with the circular economy, GHCL is trying to reuse as much material as it can.

GHCL has launched Cirkularity, a new brand of eight lines of bedding supporting the circular economy. These lines centre on ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. Rekoop, the inspiration behind Cirkularity, is a brand of bedding products made from recycled plastic (rPET) and is the first bedding product to use Applied DNA Sciences’ CertainT platform. Rekoop bedding products will debut in the New York Home Fashions Market Week in March 2019 and will be available for sale thereafter.

APDN in the News

CertainT | Cirkularity | fibre2fashion | GHCL | Sustainability | Synthetics | Textile and Apparel